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ruddy duck造句

"ruddy duck"是什么意思  
  • "Mating with the robust ruddy duck is the white-headed's means of survival.
  • "There won't be a rain of ruddy ducks from the skies, " he promises.
  • There are an estimated 6, 000 ruddy ducks in Britain.
  • A cull last year of some 2, 600 ruddy ducks failed to stop the problem.
  • Red-crested pochard and ruddy duck are occasional visitors.
  • She was the only U . S . Navy ship named for the North American ruddy duck.
  • The duck right before them is a moulting or perhaps hybridized ruddy duck, note the distinctive tail.
  • Franklin's gulls have also been observed near the lake, as have snow buntings and black-legged kittiwakes, and ruddy ducks.
  • It has breeding populations of Mute Swans, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese, Mallard, Teal, Ruddy Duck, Coot, Moorhen and Reed Warblers.
  • Five common species of waterfowl all breed on Lake Shetek : the American coot, gadwall, mallard, northern shoveler, and ruddy duck.
  • It's difficult to see ruddy duck in a sentence. 用ruddy duck造句挺难的
  • Animal welfare groups labeled the plan to cull the country's entire ruddy duck population " obscene " and " grotesque ."
  • Animal Aid ruddy duck campaign : www . animalaid . org . uk / campaign / wildlife / ruddyduck . htm
  • Avian residents include the American avocet, black-necked stilt, black skimmer, white pelican, Northern shoveler, canvasback, green wing teal, ruddy duck and glossy ibis.
  • The lake is a place to discover birds like Andean avocet, Andean lapwing, cattle egret, horned coot, Puna teal, ruddy duck and yellow-billed pintail.
  • The increasing number of ruddy ducks and hybrids threatens the existence of the white-headed ducks, resulting in shooting campaigns to remove the introduced species.
  • Some of the bird species commonly seen in the refuge include ruddy ducks, American coots, mallards, California gulls, western gulls, red-winged blackbirds, and black-crowned night herons.
  • Under a bright autumn sky, American coots and ruddy ducks frolic among the water lilies and bullrushes on Jones Lake at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
  • There was the Shalimar Club, Ram's Horn, Dante's, Chadneys, Whittinghills, Alphonse's, Samoa House, Ruddy Duck, China Trader, Money Tree, Tail o'the Cock, Smoke House and many more.
  • The "'ruddy duck "'( " Oxyura jamaicensis " ) is a duck from North America and the Andes Mountains of South America, one of the stiff-tailed ducks.
  • Canin disposed of the corpse without summoning authorities, but a consultation with office mates resulted in tentative identification of the deceased as a ruddy duck in winter plumage.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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